

I have been conscious of the environment for many years, paying close attention to my CO2 contribution and garbage disposal.
I recycle and compost as much as I can, I use energy efficient bulbs and save water.
In the shop, all pure saw dust that is not contaminated, and small pieces of wood goes in the city compost bin. Cans, bottles, cardboard, paper and other are recycled. I give away local native plants to my clients when I have some extra. I use reclaimed materials as often as possible and encourage my friends and family to acknowledge they are part of this world and that we are all accountable. REMEMBER WE HAVE ONLY ABOUT TEN YEARS TO CHANGE OUR BEHAVIOR .

Rescued Lumber Vanities

I love this project.
The client had remodeled her house. Wood from the old structure and framing was kept in the backyard covered with a tarp for quite a long time.
In the picture bellow there is some leftovers that show what was given to me to build this pieces.

The wood was cleaned and straightened to start building the face frames, panels, door frames, etc. Then after everything is assembled and squared the sanding and texturing of a 'semi rough and old' look can be worked out. The reason is that the joints have to be perfect to be strong so the wood needs to be straight, flat and squared.

After I built the pieces I started finishing with wax in 'cherry' first to give it a redish first coat.

Then a second dark and more 'artistic' coat to 'age' the pieces using fading techniques.

One of the challenges of this job was to do the panels with uneven wood, but it totally worked with patience and good biscuit location. Tight and no gaps.

The picture bellow is the 'sample' to imitate. Of course the wood is totally different so the grain will never let me perfectly stain it like that, MINE IT'S MADE OUT OF OLD STUDS!!